
Research  /  Drones & Robotics

Drones & Marine Robotics

Drones and advanced robotic systems are becoming standard equipment for data gathering in many marine conservation activities. Their capabilities and the quality of the information they collect is providing new insights into answering a range of research questions.

With our collaborators, we have been pioneering the use of drones and other systems to collect large-scale high-quality imagery, seafloor and ocean chemistry data to study a range of population and behavioural traits of sharks, turtles and crocodiles.

Our latest research into automated data processing using artificial intelligence is allowing more complete estimates of turtle and bird populations, as well as the ability to assess coral reef health over large areas compared to traditional time-consuming human counting approaches.

BOF is proud to showcase the work of its research collaborators. Current projects and publications of our research collaborators include the works featured on this page.

Raine Island recovery project

The needle in the haystack: Searching for megamouth aggregations on the east coast of Australia

Research into the prevalence, movements and behaviour of sharks around North West Island

Role of rays in sandflat habitats

5 Publications

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